weight bearings


28ºF, sunny: I am almost able to breathe through both nostrils and am, for the most part, fully recovered from the last week. Exhausted, but that's nothing new. As a good friend said yesterday, I'm bearing a lot of weight on my shoulders. My shoulders hurt: edging closer and closer to those immortal words, "fuck it": fuck the politics of it all, the caring, the waste of breath, the constant feelings of a life if not unlived than lived on others' terms and wants and needs. None of the weight, the pressure, has been worth it nor will it ever be in the future.

Started re/emergence0006 and found something I enjoy and can have fun with. Weird, all that good stuff: sometimes it's fun just to go into something with no expectations of anything and noodle about until you find something that strikes you and build on that. Temporary break on re/e0006 for next two workblocks to put together tomorrow’s newsletter.