sisyphean traditions

Every time I talk with a great writer of crime fiction (or, I suppose, a great writer of any genre, like horror), I come away with a longing for the ability to string sentences together with that sort of thrilling terseness which propels people stuck in hopeless situations of their own making (in the best cases) through a surprising, relentless narrative but alas my efforts always end up as my usual long sentences and weird glitchy-rhythmic things that hint at something but aren't that precisely if that makes any sense at all.

See, I did it again.

Thinking, though, that I might revisit a notion I had about ten years ago (I pulled the first effort years ago because I liked the character so much I couldn't let her live only in that form; I'm still finding her home), of writing tight, taut stories in the pulp-tradition of two weeks, +/-, and self-releasing them as a challenge to myself.

There are a few ideas that could work in that manner, now that I think of it.

And yes, I still want to get comics stuff off the ground, but that particular and perpetual heartbreak remains my Sisyphus pushing a boulder atop the boulder I'm already pushing up another hill that needs mowed again.

But who knows.

Either way, I'm enjoying myself by hurling these random signals into the ether whenever I feel like it for the benefit of absolutely no one but myself in 15 minutes or less.