thinking on feet while standing still or vice versa

Finding, at least for now, that standing while working seems to trigger my ability to let things come and worry about them later, to think better and with more clarity, far more than sitting (though I am writing this utterly forgettable thing that might become a part of another thing but for now will exist only in this ephemeral vacuum while sitting, of course): thinking on my feet is good for me.

(To facilitate more comfort, I added an old yoga mat – my dear, deceased Marley's anti-slip mat that we used to take everywhere with us to unfurl across the bane of Marley's existence, the hardwood and/or linoleum floor – between the Dollar Store area rug and concrete that comprise the Sanctum’s floor.)

Can source my propensity for feet-thinking, probably, to my percussion / marimba days as much as anything: with the exception of drumset and timpani (sometimes), I stood for all performances, practices, and etc; in other words, I'm used to moving around to tap into that certain something something that some would call flow but that I will simply call an enhanced ability to put one word in front of the other.

Also: standing makes my back hurt a lot less: moving is the only time ye olde herniated discs aren’t causing me agony. Who would have thought that the amelioration of pain would lead to more clarity of thought. Wow. Stunning.