notetaking enthusiasms, part two


Some updates to yesterday’s enthusiasm

  • I've yet to fall on my face; in fact, the more I let myself play with this index-card-for-everything method, the more I love it.

  • For leaving the house, I've replaced the Dango notebook in my Dango pen wallet with tiny, cutup index cards. If legible, I tape them onto a larger card and file them away when I do my filing (usually at the start of a writing session). If illegible, I recopy them.

  • So far, the best thing about the notebook experiment / card switch is that I'm far more judicious about what I actually commit to pen and card. However, if I need to get something out of my head and I know – I've got a pretty good sense of whether its worth a card or not – I won't need it later, I keep a large post-it on the other side of the big wallet for scratch/scraps. I then affix it to the day's timeblock card and file it away. New post-it daily.

  • Speaking of scratchpads: I've started using the daily notes feature in Obsidian again: a more frictionless (read: not illegible) scratch – though to think, sometimes i need the friction of the cards. DN also functions as my work diary.

  • When I write on paper, I find my brain a bit freer. Let it rip.

  • Thinking: when I send the month’s newsletter, I’ll use the afterhaze as a time to process and discard unneeded notes.

  • Goal of this method: eliminate redundant notetakings and the need to transfer or duplicate.

  • And not fall on face.