cauliflower transitions

update/20220610119: MainFictionThing lives to for another day – though I still fight on with the cauliflower. Rubber duck debugging for the win.


Much more important – and far more difficult - to me than the first sentence is the transition between the first and second paragraph (or track, or scene, or... ): in the traversal of that valley lies the work's tone and character and the first clause in the contract with reader/listener/viewer/player): what can they expect for the duration – to be thrilled? to be held by the hand, guided gently through this narrative concoction? to be confounded?  challenged? whiplashed around?...

Reminded of the scene in GET BACK in which George is struggling to find the words for what would become "Something" – "Attacts me like no other... " – and John tells him to sing nonsense until the word comes, "Attracts me like a cauliflower" being his offering; I've been attracted to the cauliflower for awhile now, my own failure to find the right shift being the cause of more than one work – and potentially this one, MainFictionThing – being condemned to the Purgatory file.

Back to slamming my head on the desk and thinking of cauliflower.

(Might develop this into the open garage door section of the next MacroParentheticals or this might be all I have to say on it. )