damned if you do and damned if you don’t / meanwhile, in T1D frustrations

Without fail and without regard to bolus ratio (the exception being when I take too much and crash myself into the 50s and have to bring it up which then puts me right back where I started) or the amount of basal insulin circulating through my system, my blood sugar spikes at 2100 and doesn't come down – again no matter the amount of basal or bolus or even a bedtime corrective dosage – until I wake up the next morning and give myself a corrective dosage which brings me down into the green without fail and which similarly ends up causing me to crash back into hypo territory on the morning run.

Next experiment: giving myself half of my dinner bolus with the meal and half a couple of hours later. Prediction: it will work for a couple of days then return to damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you don't. Alas.

(Also: starting up a new category here for T1D-life writings and etc. Will probably go with T1D though the temptation to call it TFD as I always do is strong.)