(un)intentional unintentionality and other afternoon adventures

Taking the Sunday opportunity to write something here not only because the subject matter is on my mind but to test out and get used to typing on my new Logitech Ergo K860 keyboard and obliterate not only most wrist pain but my speedy hunt and peck typing of the last 30-odd years.

Might slow me down – not necessarily a bad thing.


Learning, as I tinker with my day during K's summer break, that my problem is not with being bored (though I do get bored) but rather with periods of unintentionality or, to be more specific, with periods of unintentional unintentionality: while I'm fine with intentional unintentionality – I can add a layer of intention – watch a movie, drink with Lenny in RED DEAD II, WHERE ARE YOU LENNY?! etc etc – it’s those periods of unintentional unintentionality, those times when I'm at the mercy of others, when I'm at the apex of my status as – in my therapist's words – a sheep dog without sheep, those times when my happy pills work overtime to obviate the existential miasma of indecision and pacing – Kirby in tow, from one end of the house to the other – endemic to said lack of sheep, that prove themselves dangerous and fertile ground for the rabid chihuahua in my head to run rampant with its invasive thought-fuckery.

Solution: try to be more intentional in periods of unintentionality and/or learn to go with the flow more in those periods of unintentional unintentionality.

I think I'll be able to get used to this keyboard - though I still need the slight lift from the Apple Pencil box to make it work better for me. Intriguing.