
The final set of final shifts and edits are locked into place, I think: relief that I've found something of middling acumen with Affinity Publisher over the month of this process unfolding. Makes these sort of last-minute realizations and understandings of what, exactly, I'm writing, more possible / amenable to reality.

Fingers crossed that, once I get this set, having the template will make it all easier. That'd be the dream, anyhow.

These semiannual, handmade releases are how I want to express myself moving forward. The agency inherent is beyond meaningful: the newsletter is how I communicate, PRESS (A) is how I express myself – without it, without building that platform for myself on the shoulders of those who inspired me to get there (Steve, Justin, MJ) I never would have been able to write what I've written in this first one and found the freedom to press forward into whatever iteration of myself lies ahead.

The most useful addition to my desk in ages; Macro0084 tomorrow.