
Not saying for sure, but I think the text of LAST CHRISTMAS is done. Looks like – though I don't want to jinx it - that the page design and margins are, other than a few minor shifts of a tenth of an inch, likewise. Might be brave enough to try a printing of the whole thing, see how it all comes together. Get ready, little Brother laser printer: you're about to get a workout – and a new, 10000-page capacity toner (so you've got that going for you, which is nice).

A large mulchy delivery inbound at some point this morning: there will be tarps; there will be shoveling; there will be dragging said tarps with said large mulchy delivery... there will not be more trips to understaffed big-box home improvement stores for wasted money and time though I did enjoy the parking lot time to read The Economist on the Kindle (much more pleasant than the iPad).

Finished the Helter Skelter in POWERWASH SIMULATOR and have moved on to the private jet owned by the guy with the gigantic mining drill. As much as I love the power washing - excuse me, pressure washing, as the firefighters so helpfully pointed out – I love the text messages from my clients that pop up on the 10%s. The little burg of Muckington is a living, breathing satire on Americans by a team of Brits and I love it - Kevin Bernard's helpful scoring of my washing technique and advice for improvement during the Helter Skelter clearing reminds me of chainsawing a tree at my grandfather's. Oh, and don't mine near those monks: they've got eggs.