
PRESS (A) 01 is in the world (of newsletter subscribers) and I'm 41 and I've already started work on PRESS (A) 02: new Kanban created in Obsidian and a new main page for a phrase that's been in my head for awhile that managed to claw its way to the top of the brainmatter – and push another thing off to the wayside: as I'm a different writer than I was before 01, I'd rather explore this new clawing, see where it leads.

Arrival: I used gift cards to buy Kirby a menagerie of Jolly Balls and now he has eight of them in different sizes (horse-sized and slightly less than horse-sized) to play with in the backyard: may we all be as happy with things as Kirby was with the Jolly Balls; like Sheryl Crow said, it's not about getting what you want but wanting what you've got or something like that:

Why am I thinking of an early aughts Sheryl Crow song?