
67ºF, cloudy: no storms last night, no "tree-related contact" outage / transformer explosion so that was nice... two more PRESS (A)'s assembled - getting more comfortable with the process, +/- an hour for each copy + one envelope rewritten for legibility; three now bound for the mercy of the postal service later this afternoon ... reminded of the Virginia Woolf quote about rhythm especially as I'm in the embryonic stages of the new MainFiction Thing / PRESS (A) 02 – clogged with the ideas and no way to get them out – other than to write them down and hope that the music, their music, will come to me: this is the theory, at least... started the last of Ellroy's first LA Quartet, WHITE JAZZ and, like all Ellroy, it'll take me at least to page 50 to find his rhythm for that particular work (though it's always welcoming to read salacious gossip at the start, on the QT and very hush hush)... would be thrilled if this printer became more than a concept… CHORUS remains excellent though I want to fly like in CRIMSON SKIES and the controls just don't want to cooperate / such is life... the day awaits.