
60ºF, cloudy: AC unit (success?)fully installed in K's room, duct tape improvisations seem to be holding... neckdeep in what is always a dodgy period of adjustment/reconciliation at the start of something new, an acclimation to the initial chaos of my process or what passes for it: my natural inclination being towards order and control (much to my chagrin) and thus an effort to if not embrace then at least accept said chaos (see sat/20220813 re: trusting / having faith in process which reminds me I do have more to say about that and the start of a piece on it somewhere) ensues... McFarlane SUPER POWERS remain MINE MINE MINE ALL MINE and the five year old me is ecstatic (note that they remain carded not because I want to cash out on them at some point but rather because I don't want to have to dust them (why waste a perfectly good protecting case?)... back to work then I’ll give a weighted vest a go on the day’s run… the day awaits..