Scott Walker on PRESS (A) TO START

Scott Walker – a hell of a writer, a hell of a friend, and someone whose advice has always steered me in a direction I hadn’t considered while keeping my whatever-it-is that makes me me intact – was kind enough to share a few words about the first issue of PRESS (A) TO START:

"Weaver's ability to turn a phrase and zig when you expect him to zag is on full display in the debut issue of PRESS (A): With a confident, unflinching determination, this first installment explores decades of time in a search for closure that can never be but must nevertheless be pursued: Weaver's willingness to unapologetically and poetically chew right down to the bone of the trauma of losing his mother - and the conflicting emotions that loss triggered - has yielded an autobiographical work authentically heartbreaking and surprisingly soul satisfying. Just like the relationship of a mother and a son.

Scott Walker, author of the LITTLE YOKAI series

PRESS (A) TO START is a twice-a-year, print-only premium (though also imperfect, raw, and free) zine produced exclusively for MacroParentheticals subscribers. The first issue, LAST CHRISTMAS IN JULY – A COWARD’S EXORCISM, is now available. You can sign up here to subscribe.