percolate / collate

57ºF, sun: Wednesdays are my off-days from the MainFictionThing: give my brain some percolation time, let things merge, transform; get the inbox wrangled, books and reads processed / TSR preppings and writings for this space.

Truth of pod-prep: Every time I do it, I worry I don't have enough questions. Every time I collate all the fragments and shards assembled over the month(s) of prep and reading, I see that I'll do just fine and that it'll be a matter of cutting things out and of being able to go with the flow: the latter is probably the main thing – for me, at least, I have to have a deep knowledge of the subject matter (not as much as the guest, obviously) in order to go with said flow during the recording and lend each interview the combo of "in the moment" and timelessness I try to add to each (I rarely, for instance, discuss current events - though they may come up as an aside.)

Still on the "to-process/review stack": SUPERMAN'S METROPOLIS. Might have a thing about Postman's AMUSING OURSELVES TO DEATH coming later, but it won't be a "reviewy review": better to let Postman speak for himself and for our times from 1985.