DD + Cousin Larry

Chilly though yet to be cold enough for the heat to kick on with any consistency in The Paintshop (I've taken to calling The Sanctum The Paintshop; it is thus rechristened) but I remain most appreciative that it's there (and looks good) and certain that it will help when come the days in which today's lows are the day's highs.

SHE-HULK finale fantastic (though I did hope for one last WongerSynn appearance) – especially Daredevil interacting with Cousin Larry (those who grew up with late 80s/early 90s, +/-, TGIF will know what I'm talking about) at a family BBQ.

Took a bit of getting used to (and it’s not without some weird iPadOS behavior), but I'm digging Obsidian 1.0: my brain is happy and tactile.