side projects

Spent this weekend attempting to get a foothold on some things I've long wanted to do (but never made the time for) that, in my intent, would eventually become either, a.) more permanent background reshapings of my writing / work practice, and/or, b.) weekend newsletter writing alternatives (I'd rather do these sort of things on the weekend than make the newsletter weekly) and midweek breaks from my MainProjects rotation.

  • First, inspired by CW&T's Principles, I'm ginning up my own living document of my creative principles, if only for myself. It will probably debut in next Sunday's 90th issue of MacroParentheticals before getting its permanent home in the ether of here.

  • Second, I'm finally digging into Lynda Barry's MAKING COMICS in an effort to think in different ways and come up with new modes of imperfect expression for this space (expanding VIOLENTLY ADORABLE, among other things). Already inspired me to start a new thing this morning.

  • And third, I've been developing the business end of my practice and building up the bones and sinew of my own micropress publishing company as a vehicle for my own projects and, eventually, perhaps, for others: CW&T meets Third Man Records only with a paper cutter and recycled carboard and shitty binder-taping jobs. PRESS (A) is the handmade part of it – designed specifically to be crude – with the eventual goal that I'll release more fully-realized (read: actually printed in small batches by competent people) products as the project deems necessary.

As I know more, you’ll know more.