
Found my way to the thing I was looking for in the thing I've been writing for a year, the ComicsThing: even though it seems unlikely, at the moment, that it will ever be brought to drawn reality – clearly, I'm not doing it myself – I made a pact with myself to at least finish a scriptment and have a broadstroke notion of what it would be.

This morning, I accomplished that goal: every piece came together once I figured out the right questions to ask myself.

For now, it's a 13-page scriptment/outline rife with lacking dialogue (beyond generally awful placeholder stuff), little in the way of layouts, and more than a few quandaries of logic, motivation, and character – but the skeletal beats are, nonetheless. there. And, while I know that 13 pages doesn’t seem like a lot, I should note that it’s assembled from a few thousand disparate pages and scraps of shards and notes. Such is the process.

Physical edition printed, clipped, and in its file; digital bits moving to backburner. Maybe someday I'll actually get to see it and hold it for real – but if not, it's where I wanted it to be, if only for myself.