"blind bones"

Latest effort at Lynda Barry's exercises in MAKING COMICS didn't unstick me from my stuckness in The Work (though it did provide a direction for the Etudes – more when I fully flesh out the notion) but it was a fun bit of something different. The rules for "Blind Bones":

1.) Close your eyes and use your yellow marker to draw an entire human skeleton in one minute... 2.) using orange, close your eyes again and draw another skeleton right on top of the yellow one... 3.) Do the same thing using blue" 

And my results:

Three skeletons drawn with eyes closed in yellow, orange, and blue in my latest effort from Lynda Barry's MAKING COMICS exercises.

Definitely a useful way to distract myself from the day's work – and hopefully, perhaps, new and different ways to see what's in front of me – or behind closed eyes.