
Given the insanity endemic in the Rethuglican party and the Ohio varietal’s accelerated transformation of this state into a (more) corrupt MAGAstan hellscape, I'm hopeful that Householder won't be the last of this coterie who trades in their suit and tie for an orange jumpsuit. They deserve every day of their sentence and then some – Ohio will (if it finds its way back to sanity - a big if) be digging itself out of the mess Householder et al created for years beyond that.

U.S. District Judge Timothy Black gave (Householder) the maximum possible sentence of 20 years and then ordered blue-shirted U.S. Marshals to immediately take him into custody. He rose, put his hands behind his back, the marshals cuffed him and led the once-powerful pol away...

"You conned the people of Ohio and you tried to con the jury, too," Black said in his gravely voice as Householder, clad in a gray suit and red tie, slumped his bulk back in his chair...

Steven Bradley, Householder's attorney, sought leniency for his client. Referring to the possibility of a 20-year sentence, he said "That is effectively a life sentence for Larry Householder given his age and health situation."

Householder is 64 and overweight.

Bradley argued that his client was around 60 when the racketeering conspiracy began in late 2016 and that prior to that, Householder did "innumerable" good deeds "for decades." A 20-year sentence would "effectively give no consideration" to those good deeds, Bradley said.

Can you hear the song I’m playing on the world's smallest violin?