First snow day of the school year (I think / maybe there was – no, that was a two-hour delay, those accursed half-measures that fuck everyones' schedule into oblivion). Wind chill advisory, supposedly going to lift around noon, but with wind coming in, right around afternoon run time (switching to afternoon for something different – I like it: sun is beneficial in winter... summer'll be another story but I'll burn that bridge when I get to it). New heater fan in The Paintshop doing the job well enough – better than the previous thing that warmed my ankles and even then.
Today's (and, I suppose, every day's) operative creative / The Work phrase: surprise myself. A challenge – given that I know the outcome of this particular segment – but such is the way I've set myself up for this particular brainjam. Not what but how, not what but how... FWIW: didn't surprise myself – yet, but hey, If nothing else, writing these daily things again gives me the illusion of getting something written, even if it's not the thing I'd hoped for.
Ahead: fixing and cleaning up my old fire engine pedal car (1983 repro of a 1950s car) for Baby Spike's (friends’ little human, not mine) early driver's ed / GTA training. Hopefully won't need too much TLC, but up-to-date tetanus vax probably requ'd. Waivers and disclaimers.