Two-hour delay for K, freezing wintery-rainy-combo. County-wide delay – though rural and northern areas ended up closing. Morning run was a little... tricky. Slickery, as a one-time employer used to say.

How do you run on the ice? Carefully.

Hail Mary might be working in MainFictionThing – might be being the operative phrase: turning it into something else, something different. Writing it as though I started it now instead of piecing together from previous iterations (i.e. pre-death / emptying / etc). Fruits / labor, TBD.

Next up: lunch, box, finish Villenueve's PRISONERS (excellent, excellent, excellent) and "pot around," as my grandfather would say, with something resembling aimlessness and perhaps, even, general purpose: I do need to dust the TV / PS5 / 4k stand; vacuum, perhaps? fix the mess I made in one room cleaning up another? Oh, the possibilities – they are positively endless.