me v that fucking floor

Left hand and inner forearm loaded up with its morning dose of "healing ointment": didn't count on falling asleep being such a bitch with Herbie jabbed in one side, a tender and awesomely inked arm on the other, and Beyonce's "Freedom" stuck in my head after Harris's amazing acceptance speech but thenagain it's been six years since I got my first tattoo (my wedding ring) which was, until yesterday, the only work I'd had done on my left arm. Time and healing ointment heals all wounds or at least makes you forget about them until you get a reminder like a curious German Shepherd. Ink therapy FTW, forever.

Exciting shift in project priorities, but to get there, I've decreed that I will get that fucking floor installed in NuSanctum this weekend so that, by next Wednesday, I can move full-time out there for work (solar install is Tuesday). Uplift desk arrived and is on the docket for assembly but only once that quote unquote fucking floor is installed.