newsletter / timekept

Very little to write about here – newsletter weekend so I've spent the last two hours writing about writing (and COMICSTORYWORLD's tenth birthday) – but the daily discipline demands (alliteratively) that I write something here so: I remain utterly fascinated by the Superlocal and how it transforms my sense of time: though I'll have more to say, current fascination is how the things that give me most consternation are put into the context of 24 hours and truly, visually, amount to zilch when put up against the length of a single day. What a beautiful work of art. More later, probably – or maybe not, IDK.

TSR @ two

Today marks two years to the day since the launch of my little effort at socialization / shaking the rust off the interview skills, THE SOCIALIZED RECLUSE: along the way, I’ve gotten to talk with a lot of cool, inspiring people whom I've long admired – I’m eternally grateful to ALL of you, guests and listeners, for taking the time to chat and to listen, to educate me, and to inspire me. Here’s to the next two years of socializations and conversations; all current episodes live here.

fighting failing handwriting

As I'm back to getting nowhere in AnotherFictionThing (intended to be part of either PRESS (A) 02 or 03) , I've instituted a one-page handwritten goal for each workday: at least there will be that (and these) to show that it wasn't all for naught – even if naught is all that comes.

Hoping, though, that it turns out like METROID DREAD did last night: after facing the invisible scorpion beast for more than a few days of profanity and victory snatched, I allowed myself one final evening of fighting and failing, after which I would put the game away and revisit afresh at some point in the unknown future when I could give myself entirely to METROID’s particular needs of timing and ability – but, in what was to be my final endrun, everything clicked and I slayed that fucker and scored the Phantom Cloak. VICTORY.

Then, at least – but not this morning; still, one page is nearly written – and this is.

leafy VOW

First morning with the Superlocal and I'm already in love: No more alarms, no more worrying / thinking about how much time I'm investing into The Work – a simple glance at the position of a piece of metal in the space between two 2.5mm magnetic balls and I know enough to figure I'm close enough; a marvelous antidote to growing feelings of being rushed about.

Fully addicted to THE VOW: while I'd followed the Alison Mack saga of strange and listened to Sarah Edmondson and Nippy's A LITTLE BIT CULTY pod, I didnt know the full story – and am forcing myself to not look up anything about the participants: I want the makers of this bit of documentary brilliance to tell me in their way, their voice – a must, must-watch.

An electric leaf blower demonstration for my grandfather this afternoon: he's been despondent over the weather making it impossible for him to see it in action earlier. We've been trading weather reports. Looks like today's the day – have to remember to charge it up because I'm certain he'll want to run the battery to nil as part of his "Consumer Reports in human form" scientific examination.


Week of indulging my passion for unique timepieces continues: CW&T's Superlocal, their 24-hour magnet-and-steel daily ritual sculpture (inspired, in part, by Mason Curry’s DAILY RITUALS book), had been on my radar since I fell in love with their Pen Type-C (at first use on the day it arrived) and I finally let myself take the plunge: a hefty, stunning work of art and function that’s already giving me notions of how to reshape my day.

memory / narrative

Memories of Boston while making coffee / motor oil ten miles from where I grew up (though at this point, those memories have ceased to be actual memories and have become personal, internal narratives winding, looping): fascination at how those memory / narratives are centered around one person or, in the case of Boston, four – one to four being representative of, indicative of, an entire timeframe / an entire place / an entire iteration of self: joys, fuckups, regrets, longings: moments in time colliding and metamorphosing into some unconsidered shard of themselves.