on derbzball

(updated wed/20220817 with video…)

At least thrice daily, Kirby and I or Kirby and K play his favorite game, Derbzball (Kirby's nickname is, when he goes a bit wild, KirbyDerby, hence Derbzball). As best I can tell through its various iterations over the summer and especially over the last couple weeks, Derbzball is Kirby's hybrid of dodgeball, soccer, and pinball or at least as close as Kirby can approximate (totes aDerbz); he seems, like all small children, to make up the rules as he goes along, bobbing and weaving between airborne Jolly Balls – sometimes using the ball in his mouth as a blocker, other times being thrilled when one of the balls bounces off his head: it's a work in progress, clearly. As they say in TED LASSO: Derbzball is life.