
After several months or several weeks (whatever) of using the reMarkable Paper Pro, I've switched back to a paper notebook, a Baron Fig Confidant Plus with Pigma Graphic pen. Haven't fallen out of love with the rMPro – it's a brilliant, wonderful device that does pretty much everything I ask it to do; no, I simply missed the feeling of pen to paper (god I love the Pigma Graphic pens - similar to the Flairs but without that sharp angle that digs into my finger because of my weird-ass way of holding a writing implement) and the ease of turning physical pages: indeed, the only thing the rMPro does poorly is replicate a page turn: too slow, too unsatisfying to be anything more than a novelty. Other than that, progress continues – though it did take me a bit to figure out what needed my moderately awake brain this morning before the descent into the standard postprandial stupor that awaits.

In the wake of the reMarkable2's fall from utility, I’ve switched over (switched back, technically) to Baron Fig's Confidant Plus notebooks. I’ve used the flagship size for years, but found them too small to replicate the systems I'd developed in the rm2 (namely, scribbling rough drafts and word salads to find some rhythmic combination that speaks to me in addition to my journals and etc). Plus size (blank, as that’s the only thing available) seems like this is the best fit for my writing needs. Bonus: the CP is the same size as the rm2 so it fits in the leather folio I had been using for the digital chickenscratching. So far so good.