or, how i tried to accept the chaos

Too much of my time has been wasted in a fruitless and deleterious effort to impose (too much) control over the chaos of my process: need to accept it, let it come, let it do its thing... trust it (within certain bounds – bounds, not shackles and a plastic bag over its head). Feel like I started my journey there this morning: once I resigned myself to its embrace (instead of attempting suffocation), MainFictionThing finally – thanks to an assist from Oblique Strategies: "What wouldn't you do?" – inched forward. Recording this here as much as a record of the morning's events as a reminder to myself. Will start a new "Note to Self" tag for these kind of posts. (Turns out I already did.)

Speaking of Oblique Strategies: someone needs to make an Obsidian community plugin for these. I use an app and then copy and paste into my working Canvas, but it'd be great to be able to create an OS card for the boards...