unthinkable becomes thinkable

After such a successful Carvana transaction with Vanna, I'm about 98% there on saying goodbye to Huey the Truck, my grandfather's beloved – and mine – truck as well. Part of the reason for getting Vanna in the first place was that, after two years, I've grown weary of seeing my dead family's vehicle's parked in the driveway and no matter the perspective I took, I can still see his truck, like he's visiting, and I can't find him. Vanna's not that big, after all – and all of the practical reasons for keeping Huey – haul dirty crap, move garden stuff, full-size bed – are, I've come to believe, masks for the truth that I'm keeping him purely for emotional reasons (Vanna is more than capable of handling almost everything Huey could, and I’m planning to get a trailer for her at some point, so the point will be even more moot). Unless something goes wrong with Vanna by Tuesday, I think I'll take Carvana's offer on Huey and bid farewell. It's time to move on.