
Morning's ice has given way to mud again though I did get to experience walking on icy mud which was certainly an experience but anyhow it seems that the key to making the writing part of The Shed as creatively appealing to me as the workshop side is to lock the desk at standing height so that I can pace to my quasi-beating heart's content: clearly, the lapsed percussionist of 20 years ago remains a steadfast part in position if not in performance – and besides, I always have Derbz's chair should I need to take the proverbial load off but only if he's not in The Shed with me because that's HIS chair, whether I'm in it or not.


Backyard and, especially, the path to The Shed are mud bogs. Melting snow, increased temps, and general foot traffic have combined into a muddy hellscape which have inspired me to consider constructing a walkway from the house to The Shed. Shedwalk. Out of wood, probably – and while I'm not averse to poured concrete and brick though I'd just as soon throw a bunch of palettes into the yard and reenact WATERWORLD. But I'll probably stick with a nice wooden walkway.

In spite of falling under the auspices of the Great Schism (which if I haven't written about it yet, involves me throwing out every writing project – no matter if it's a seed or 7/8 complete –  that didn't work or that I didn't see through to fruition before this year), J's enthusiasm has brought one project back from the dead. And I'll grant you, it's a pretty cool idea. Cool enough that my desire to make it something real has overtaken my desire to branch into the entirely new. Everything old – or at least this bit of the everything (and oh shit now another thing too because I still want to know how it turns out – until it wears me down and I never look at again for another two months – +2 back from the dead, I guess ok that's it really) – being new again? *

I want to be more overwhelmed with the stakes in THE MADNESS than I am. Otherwise, solid show. Colman Domingo is fantastic.