Sonic delights and explorations that wouldn't be at all out of place in a Wes Anderson stealth video game which, given my adoration for both the scores of Wes Anderson films and stealth video games, is indeed a compliment. So good.

SOMETHING KNOWN AS MUSIC... + Cassingle 34 – Perkins & Federwisch / Ball Geographie

New whimsical (a rare occasion to use that word – and I use it in the best, carnivalistic (carnivally? carnival-esque?) way possible) experimental pop earworms from the inimitable superpolar Taïps label:

Cassingles 31-33 – various

A new set of the wonderful Cassingle series from one of my favorite DIY labels, superpolar Taïps, featuring a menagerie of experimental pop and electronic soundscapes weaved through each of the featured artists’ – Goodparley, Von Heuser, and agogol – impeccable sensibilities: