HIT MAN (Richard Linklater, 2024)

(**** / *****): Always love a good Linklater genre exercise – SCHOOL OF ROCK, especially, holds a special place in my heart – and HIT MAN is no exception: Howard Hawks energy channelled through the combustable sexy-star power of Powell and Arjona. Only gripe being that the ending, while not unearned, did feel a bit too breezy and/or pat – but then again, I suppose does fit within that Hawksian mold. Great little weekend film.

Project Nu-shed Begins

Time to kick off the summer backyard project and make it officially official by posting about it here: Project NuShed has begun, which will, in theory (and after much profanity), result in this shed

being replaced with this shed, NuShed (seen here at its current home at the shed peoples' place)

and being level in its new home in the backyard - and, sometime in the Fall, powered by the might of the sun. Current plan is that it become not only a workshop / tool room / storage for dead family belongings, but also our workout room.

Getting there - or, rather, to the delivery, which will take (allegedly) all of an hour - will, however, require a summer of demolition, coordination, temporary yard equipment housing, fence recalibration and placement, gravel delivery, permit acquisition, replanting, and more details that I'm probably missing and will rue the day I miss.

Either way, Project NuShed has officially begun. Tick tick.

Continuing on with the Fictions, but also with one eye and one or more braincells focused on transitioning to more of a balance between prose and cartooning / comics. If I were being honest with myself, I'd tell you that my goal is to shift entirely to cartooning but, alas, I'm too chickenshit to go all the way without a bit of a fallback (and, I can't forget that the medium is the message, right, Marshall?); suppose it’s moderately poetic that it only took me 35 years (and will probably take a couple more) to get to where I wanted to be when I was eight.