I'll watch Biden's speech tonight with a mixture of sadness and gratitude: haven't seen the kind of euphoric response Kamala's gotten these last few days since Obama in '08 and, while I know that the next few months are going to be ugly and that, eventually, some kind of reality will crash ashore, this present moment is truly a thing of beauty: it's nice to believe in the possibility of a better future again.

the shed, cardboard planning and solar quotes edition

Plans are drawn on cardboard, tools are in their temporary home, strength / boxing equipment has found its home, and assistant Jorkie is ready to assist. While I wait for solar installation - solar guys just left, quote coming tomorrow - I'm hoping to get to work on my desk / workbench area. Until I get heating and cooling (heat pump, mini-split), will have to return to two days of running, one of strength in the morning: heat and I don't mix. Very excited about building this space and what I'll get to build in it: only been 15 years since I got to leave the house for work, so it's time.

jorkie in shed, tools in dissaray
int. shed, jorkie inspects heavy bag and tools
int, shed, jorkie satisfied, checks out the other side of the door

kamala + ??? 2024

FWIW, while I think Mark Kelly of Arizona or Pete Buttigieg would be fantastic running mate, I’d be down with a Republican as VP - with Adam Kinzinger being at the top of my list. For now, though, I’m still teary-eyed at the power of Biden’s selfless act - even though I knew it would happen. Either way, let’s do this - and send the Tumor packing once and for all.

Update/2024071711: according to the NYT,

“The “Biden for President” campaign committee has officially filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to rename itself “Harris for President.” The paperwork was submitted at 4:51 p.m., according to the F.E.C.”

I repeat, LET’S DO THIS.