Trying out a bit of a new thing that I thing I tried once before, little bit of a timeshift, words first thing, then Informalities at midday. Occasional thought-meanderings throughout. Waking, recovering, the skin-scream of fresh ink continues to abate, mercifully. Most color I've ever had one – usually go for black, but when J wants to use color, J can use color. Other than that, nothing too exciting though my addiction to HISTORY'S MYSTERIES on History / Hulu grows with each episode (Shroud of Turin episode particularly intriguing): Laurence Fishburne makes everything awesome, even though the answer to every mystery is always "🤷 – it's a mystery."
Plan for today being the same as most days: yoga, run, write, eat, box, draw, weld, stare blankly into space as I get minor high from the flux and the joy of doing that particular work all while avoiding, as much as I can, the clusterfuck parade ensuing from the federal side of things. Still digging about for the right words to one thing or other, though.
I'd also like to get around to putting up the new freestanding heavy bag though I don't know that I have it in me today to go buy 400 pounds of sand to keep it standing as I definitely don't have it in me to fill the base with water in the backrook that tends to flood anyhow, the backroom that houses The Collection.
current status of various projects in various stages of yaaaay or fuckit
Writing this more for myself than for anything/one to give myself a lay of the land splayed out ahead that I can ignore as needed as I traipse about to wherever it is I'm going.
Writing: abandoned anything and everything that I'd consider aspirational, as in: anything that I hope leads to something else or a "writing career." Working solely on things that I either want to write simply because I want to write them (two short fictions) or that I'm writing for others (a short comic that could become more and a concept album) the latter of which came after I said I was considering being done with writing (cue Michael Corleone, GODFATHER: CODA). Nearing the end of one but have to dive back in on the other: been too long since I've looked at it and don't want to lose the feel for it as much as I'm fearing that I'm losing the feel for it.
Talking to others: my MacroParentheticals newsletter is dead; long live the titularly-challenged "whenever I finish something / feel like it" dispatch. I did the magazine model for more than a decade and I'm worn out. Sticking with this space as my main vessel for comms, as it has been for many years now. Haven't gotten sick of it yet, so I'll take that as a good sign.
Metalwork: I had a lot more fun tearing apart a glockenspiel than I ever had playing it. As for what it becomes, your guess is as good as mine, though pieces of its frame have already shown up. Toying around with some ideas for the keys. I also have a torn-down lawnchair waiting to become something, and a burnt-out recliner frame which has a design for its next life, though I have to bring its metal carcass here first.
Also have a portable welding table to assemble because now people are asking me to come weld things for them.
Cartooning / comics: Informalties - now borderless! – continue, as ever. Want to do another A.A. VOID. Starting to miss the little guy.
Painting: had fun – 15 minutes, to be exact – plan to have more fun. Best guess is that it might become a useful brain-unsticking exercise (15 minute / 30 minute time limit) than a full-throated vehicle of expression.
The Paintshop: The Collection's home and the workout area are complete. Unwanted / needed books delivered to the used bookshop, trash and other detritus either disassembled for metalwork or placed at the end of the driveway as an offering to the belching truck. All that remains is the ripping out of a sink and final clean-up before pool table reassembly and placement. And moving slate. Once that's in, I'll figure out how many more shelves to build.
And a next project. Probably another shelf for K's Botanical Garden set.