
The Super Powers Hall of Justice, complete in (beautiful) box, is mine once again. Many memories of hours of adventures with my long-gone original set in the days of yore. Second pic is its current home in The Collection. Couldn’t resist putting it alongside NEW YORK WORLD’S FAIR COMICS 1940, the first time Superman, Batman, and Robin shared a cover.

SUPERMAN: SPACE AGE (Russell / Allred(s); DC, 2022-23)

(*****+ / *****) Thought I'd spend the next couple of days with SPACE AGE and ended up binging the thing this afternoon: easily in my top three Superman stories of all time (WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE MAN OF TOMORROW and ALL STAR being in first and (now) third place, respectively), this is one of the most beautiful and profound superhero series to come out in (at least) the last 20 years. Love the retelling and reimagining of the first Crisis; the formation of the Justice League (bored Flash is brilliant); the first (and last) confrontation between a version of Batman and The Joker that I wanted to see so much more of (almost a mixture of Pattinson's THE BATMAN and Robert Downey Jr.'s IRON MAN); a spot-on portrayal of Superman that deftly mixes the outsider with the beacon of light (that I hope James Gunn has paid attention to); and a pitch-perfect version of the greatest love story in comics. Everything comics could be and then some; a triumph.

Superman Valentines (1940)

My collection within The Collection of these wonderful 1940 Superman Valentine Cards has grown by one (second row, left). Particularly fond of the bottom right one, as, apparently, it was a sign of true love back then to have Superman punch a puppy (a ways to go to save the cat in the first Donner film). Also digging the "Say Anything" move of third row left. No clue how many remain, but there are at least 13 total, and I'm sure there are more than that.