Tokyo hypnosis bar

via SoraNews24:

Located near Islam Yokocho (“Islam Alley”) in Shin-Okubo, the bar is called “Fushigi no Heso” (“Mysterious Belly Button”), and it allows you to experiment with the magical world through tarot card readings as well.

The main draw here, though, is the chance to be hypnotised by Endo, a veteran hypnotist who previously astounded patrons with his powers at the bar’s previous locations in Kitasenju and Ikebukuro. Prices for hypnosis are 1,000 yen (US$6.46) per person, with people between the ages of 20 and 40 able to take part, and for groups of 10 or more, if one of the participants fails to fall into a hypnotic state like the kind commonly seen on T.V., they will receive a prize.


Two desktops are built and resting on VERY temporary legs so I can figure how much more desk I need (two feet, give or take); for-really-real legs arrive tomorrow. Solar guys will start rough wiring the system next Wednesday so I can start drywalling by the end of next week. Might be working in here sooner than I expected - which, now that I've said it, means I'm not working in there until 2027.

two handmade desktops resting on precarious at best temporary legs.