project nu-shed, (more) foundational fun with circular saws edition

With the addition of another three cubic yards of No. 57 limestone, managed to make a hill somewhat level (yesterday) and built a retaining wall on three sides (today). The thing isn't necessarily pretty, but it's keeping the precious 57 in (fingers crossed that it does so when NuShed takes its place onstage) – and I used all reclaimed wood from inside the original shed to build it. Waste not, etc etc.

lots of gravel in a stage for incoming nushed. looks like giant kitty litter.
limestone and wood retaining wall

Next up: more limestone transport from driveway to shedstage, and then waiting until 19 July for NuShed delivery and crossing fingers that wall doesn’t give way in the meantime.

project nu-shed, foundational edition (gravel dump one)

Since yesterday, we’ve transported and spread the first three cubic yards of gravel (No. 57 limestone; I've no clue what the other 56 varietals are like), with another three cubic scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Underestimated how much of a hill we had to build up. Not bad for it being less than three weeks since the first slices of demolition with a little more than three weeks to go until NuShed's arrival.

NuShed frame surrounding dirt.
NuShed frame surrounding dirt but with some gravel

project nu-shed, heatdome fence construction edition

The old little green shed is now completely felled, it being finally now only because the last wall was serving dual purpose as a fence panel and I hadn't figured out a solution until last night: build my own custom panel. Made sure dogchildren were inside so as to prevent fence-hole escape, tore out the rest of the floorboards, brought down the final wall (not hard when most of the beams were rotten), and built the new fence, picket by picket. Leveling of the tops will take place eventually; for now, we hydrate.

the fence panel we built