Learned / in process of

(Since yesterday):

1.) In order for The Work to work in the afternoon, it has to be a different project than in the morning. When I started yesterday afternoon in an attempt to continue on with the novella, it was an abject disaster. Once I shifted over to the comics thing, I was golden – and made something resembling progress. (And this morning's work on the novella also went well.)

2.) Still haven't figured out if "Informalities" remains the tag for these morning pieces or not. Given what this space has morphed into, it might be something different. Or simply an excuse for me to think about pointless things.

3.) If I had to pick one space in which to talk to myself, this is it. I'm all too aware that I'm talking to myself in the media social; I'm aware of it here too, except that I'm posting things here because I enjoy it.

3a.) August's newsletter arrives on Sunday. If you're not already a subscriber, you can sign up here, if so inclined.

4.) The wiki-knowledge-base approach in Obsidian is great for unpacking text (and my edit-as-I-go method): I add brackets around a piece of text I'd like to dig deeper into, and a new document is created with that title: a fresh slate, a new node, to explore and deepen. File accordingly.

5.) Anti-mask/vax parents continue to be a thorn in the side of my wife's school district. I often wonder what could be accomplished if those militantly anti-(insert any reason-infused issue here) corporeal trolls turned their attention to issues that actually mattered. They claim they're doing it for the children but, in my experience, kids are a lot more adaptable than their parents which, of course, brings up the whole control / what will my children think when they can think for themselves issue that threatens the fragile illusions/delusions of so many shitty parents.