
44ºF under cool and crisp sun: a Jorkie continues to recover from another hormonally-wrought attack by The Morkie (I'm going to YouTube "neuter dog" before too long; fortunately Kirby's month of the snip and the tack and the cone draws nigh). Not a bad savaging, but troublesome, nonethless. The Jorkie relishes the kisses and the carries.

Started my umpteenth rewatch (and first in about 20 years) of JURASSIC PARK last night – K's first viewing. Still holds up: the music reminds me of why it made me want to go into music composition the first time I saw it in the movie theatre; its effects are still awe-inspiring, nearly 30 years after they changed the face of film. Timmy still annoys the fuck out of me.

September's MacroParentheticals dispatch – and early access to the fourth re/emergence collab between myself and Elizabeth Joan Kelly – arrives in subscribers' inboxes at +/-1000 EST. You can sign up here, if so inclined.

Dog-children, sustenance; Jorkie, kisses and carries. On with the day. Type type type.

The morning's listening: PALEOSHAMAN, by Paleowolf; THIS PLACE TO BE, by Steve Roach.