
Inexplicable bloodsugar surge overnight but probably rectified with a few extra breakfast clicks of the orange pen, in theory anyhow. Likely outcome: I'll drop too low to run, have to eat something to run, then end up too high, run, come back, and find myself back where I started. Such is the T1D day, the third full-time job of the day.

JURASSIC PARK remains a fun ride – though I'd forgotten how quickly it ended. Bit of an imbalance there: would've been better, IMO, to leave end as is and lob off 99% of the expository first act since everyone agreed to go to the island rather quickly and nothing there impacted the rest of the film. Still: that T-Rex scene at the end? And the raptor kitchen scene? Love.

56ºF and sun. Post-breakfast playtime – ballthrow, probably – and return to The Work – with coffee – await.