Small Talk Grogu Pinata

Survived another Sunday – I say survive because Sunday is my least favorite day of the week, the afternoon of small talk, of visiting, a reminder of everything I've spent the week trying to avoid, a reminder of all of my failures but, on the bright side, hot dogs.

As a result of the afternoon of zilch and soul-sucking small talk, I came home and engaged in one of my periodic Sanctum rearrangements: desk back against the wall, more open. Helps me to vanish into The Work – and has the side benefit of being a bit more open for Kirby to wander and gift me with torn toys which is always helpful, even though most of my mornings are spent removing pieces of paper from Kirby's mouth.

Think I've wandered into the morning's best iteration: three hours of work on The Main Thing (of the day) – two before breakfast, one after – then compile the various scraps accrued over yesterday and this morning into this piece before departing the house and running around in a circle for six miles to start the process all over again, the goal being that, when I leave for the run, my mental wells are completely dry and that the remainder of the day will be spent on other peoples' work and refilling said well.

Also: KATE is a solid actioner if for no other reason than being proof that Mary Elizabeth Winstead needs to have more starring roles.

The day awaits.