Island Books and Renewals

Dense fog, in more ways than one.

But, this has been on my mind a bit:

Alongside that desire to provide an alternative to Apple et al’s overbearing tech-takeover, was an idea to ‘revive the extinct genre of the same name—the “island books” that emerged at the start of the Renaissance’, as the blurb goes. In those island books, ‘were poems, stories, and artworks—each a supposed island, a space that held a singular idea’ and this is precisely what Sebastian and India have created: ‘A growing archipelago. Islands from which to view the world anew.’

My fascination with an independent magazine approach to everything is growing by the day; in a way, I realize that, with the newsletter and my other various forms of creative expression – stories, pods, my morning meanderings – I've been doing just that, albeit in digital form. But I do want to and am exploring a physical magazine/zine offering: isolarri's model is especially appealing - and beautiful.

Never underestimate the incredible peace that ensues when you unsubscribe from every DNC-related email list; if you want to study the worst newsletter practices, force yourself to read campaign blasts: 99% of them reek of desperation and hackneyed writing jobs that offer nothing beyond a sense of powerlessness so then again I suppose they do ably represent our body politic.

Website renewal went through so you're stuck with me for another year.