Comment System Loathe / Obsidian Love No. 1068.3


Current siteissue attempting to figure: the comment system. Talked with a friend last night who informed me that he is not notified when I respond to one of his comments on a post. Brief testing / QA later, we have indeed found that no one is notified when I reply to their comment, which sort of kills the appeal of a comment system in the first place.

I've considered installing Disqus, but: in addition to other numerous and well-documented unfortunates, it's bloated – which is the last thing I want (nor do I want to turn your comments over to advertisers and have to pay an extra $132 a year for Scott and I to talk to each other in public). I could turn on the "simple liking" function, but I switched here to get rid of the need for hearts and likes so to hell with that. Discord chat stream? Eh. I don't understand Discord (I don’t even know how to share my username here). I want to understand Discord. Maybe this is the way to do it? But, eh, effort...

Until I get this figured, I've turned off the commenting system. Thoughts on alternatives welcome – just email me if you've got an idea. I've added a "Something to say about something I said" checkbox in the contact form. (Starting to think that the “comment via email” method is the way to go.)

In other news, you may file this bit of wonderful under why I love Obsidian, reason 1068.3: I've found a community plugin that automatically generates a list of updated files in my Daily Notes document. Much easier than trying to keep up with myself as I go through the process of processing – and it lets me use my shitty handwriting / notebook for capturing loose thoughts and stray thinkings. Think I'll make it a thing to hit that button during my post-dinner shutdown and have it ready for the next day.

Back to work.