Of Wrist splints and Wet Floors


Spent an hour yesterday afternoon sitting in the worker's comp doctor's parking lot while K had her wrist and knee examined: fell in the water-soaked bathroom at school, landed on both. X-Rays show a bruised up knee and a possible hairline fracture on her wrist. Given that she suffers from psoriatic arthritis, she's presently in a world of hurt. We're both relieved, though – it could have been so much worse.

(Cue my repression of urge to strangle the child who left the bathroom faucet on or whatever the bastard hooligans do for kicks in these, our days of plague but, if nothing else, I managed to get a bit of Lapham's Quarterly's "Scandal" issue read: I'm fascinated by that magazine – but I still want to strangle the offending child.)

A lesson learned: when a non-current project notion pops up during main, pre-breakfast work, I write it down but view it with suspicion until I check blood sugar at breakfast: if it's high, I file it said notion under "maybe.” If it's normal, I move ahead.

I'm moving ahead with it – and I might even release something into the wild this afternoon, assuming I haven't tracked down the water-spewing child and strangled them in the interregnum.