

New maybe thing mentioned yesterday will be a real, definite, in-the-wild thing tomorrow: a fun little experiment, a weekend diversion – a way to get my brain to fiddle with something different, unclog, push myself to make a single-spoon meal quickly and share it publicly before diving back into the Main Thing(s) at hand.

(Could the single-spoon become larger parts of the Main Things later or Main Things themselves? Sure – but for now, tomorrow will be all that they will be.)

Other items: still trying to figure out a comment system but peculiarities that I can't reconcile with Squarespace's templates are causing much head-scratching and consternation (probably over nothing)... wrapped up the first season of OZARK last night: Ruth is one of the best characters to come around in ages... and, while I still enjoy Square Enix's THE AVENGERS, it's becoming overly-complex, repetitive, and more fuel for my fire that says I wish they'd done a third DEUS EX game instead – but Disney money so there you go.

Workday is done; the day's run and the in-lawn await. Let the games begin.