
More dense fog has lifted.

The morning's hope: that Squarespace updates their now-fucked-beyond-all-recognition iPadOS app: can't add links to posts, can't re-order the nav menu... timing of these upfucks more than a bit frustrating as I've a.) paid for another year and b.) have started pushing forward with new things, all of which revolved around the stability and utility of this space.

But, other pleasantries:

I love STAR WARS: VISIONS: the first episode was a spectacular Kurosawa/Leone/Hammett RED HARVEST tribute and the second, "Tatooine Rhapsody," was SCOTT PILGRIM-meets-STAR WARS remix genius. (That they're 15 minutes each makes them even more wonderful: perfect pre-bed watches.)

K's doing better. A few days of rest seems to be helping; the weekend should help more.

Speaking of "new things" being pushed forward: came up with something this morning that I want to try over the weekend: if it works, it'll be a fun new thing; if it fails, I've only lost a weekend and might have the starts for something longer-term. Breakfast blood sugar was 140 so I'm reasonably certain that this thing isn't a byproduct of hyperglycemic mental haranguings.

Oh, and THE GROUND LOOP has returned. Now, if only I could update my nav menu pages. Ahem, Squarespace...