
After a few days of post-fall recovery and continued mending, K returns to work today, wristbrace in tow, rocking the pro-bowler look. Instructions / desires relayed to her as she exited: be careful, stay vertical. Please.

In The Work: a title for The Main Thing found and no I'm not going to reveal it anytime soon. Also, slowly working my way towards a solution to my main issue with zettel / Obsidian method: because of all the sheets, figuring out where to start each morning is a bit of a chore. A fix is coming together / becoming apparent: work from a single sheet broken into dates, but with deeper, separate offshoots. Efforts to walk the line between chaos and too much control.

Finished Viet Thanh Nguyen's THE COMMITTED last night: haven't decided if I loved it. Something never clicked with me though I don't have a clue as to what that something is; that said, I'll read anything he writes because of the briliance of his rhythm and voice but this one nonethless left me a bit cold, so far. Retrospection might change that.

ICYMI: released, Marionette, the first of my Etudes – microfiction conceived, written, and published on a single weekend. Will defnitely do more of these, but only when I feel like it. A pleasant palette-cleanser and a worthwhile experiment.

Squarespace still broken: while I have my workarounds that they must exist at all is more than a bit annoying.

Morning catch/fetch, then back to work.