No you cannot take my cereal


Returning this morning to the once-daily post here: it's the form I most love in this space, the perpetually returned, after all these years.

More blood sugar craziness (three different readings, 100 points off from one another, literally life and death but, in cases like this, I take the average of the three numbers and bolus from there, winging it — 🤷🏻‍♂️ — most likely weather-related as it's changing again in this summer/fall hybrid that's becoming more and more but who knows because all you know is that you will die on the hill for your Multi-Grain Cheerios because they're fucking tasty and you miss fucking tasty and they keep you from missing fucking tasty too much.

Focused on the nonfic/comics thing this morning – as tends to be the Wednesday way: pushing forward for an upcoming chat because there are few things I despise more than telling someone how to do something without at least trying to do it myself... the zettel/Obsidian way of working here most beneficial as it has shown me the most complicated yet most representative way of structuring the piece, the best – and perhaps only – way to relay the ins and outs of the day in the life, the choices and the consequences of those choices, the tiny variations that transform the course of a day.

New GROUND LOOP coming this afternoon, probably. Will also find out today if K's wrist is broken from the fall last week or if it's a nasty sprain. The games continue...