

Another grey morning but only two days of conelife remain so I've got that going for me (which is nice).

Wrapped up DUNE last night: very, very good – even if it's just half a movie. Beautiful – in spite of my ugly inability to remember sci-fi characters and their realtions in film form : a definite blind spot that I've tried to ameliorate over the years but one that, now that I'm coasting along the jellyfish-infested beach of 40, I've learned to begrudgingly accept.

Script / scratch / notes for NonFicComicsThing on target for delivery to eyes later this afternoon: it makes sense to me, so I guess that's all that matters. Trick will be to use it to help others make sense of their work. Magic, or something.

Dog-child sustenance and other morning ablutionary misc. before work return. Nom-noms inbound.