
Democrats, get your shit together.

Oh, and since I’m in the mood to offer political strategy advice at this early hour: stop sending so many shitty email newsletters. I've unsubscribed to at least 15 of them that I ended up with thanks to my generosity in the 2020 election (I remain proud of my standing as the biggest Biden donor in my zip code). They all reek of poorly-written desperation and the happiest I’ve been as a Democrat is when I hit “unsubcribe.”

I do try to remember – for the sake of perspective – that Election Day 2022 is a year out (though according to all news sites, THE MIDTERMS HAVE BEGUN!) and, a year before his inauguration, Biden was fifth in Iowa and COVID was only a blip that would, almost two years later, kill – according to The Economist's calculations including uncounted deaths – 17 million people across the world. A lot changes in a year – but this doesn't change the truth that Dems have to get their shit together. Do something.

In work news / things I can at least pretend to control, I returned to MainFicThing after a week away and, as ever, have found the challenge of getting back to it after any (necessary) time away to be an uphill climb. Slight dismay that little has changed in my thinking regarding it but, even though it's going nowhere / has gone nowhere this morning, it's nice to be back with the scribbles.

Later: Endo- – not Endor, at least there I could hang with Ewoks – but Endocrinologist -bound to hear how terribly I've done with the T1D (these appointments reek of “I’m not angry, just disappointed”) over the last six months. Would be grand to learn something I don't already know but at least I get to listen to podcasts on the drive up. Though my queue is empty. Shit.

One day of conelife remains.