Of jacketed crocodiles revived

Started FAR CRY 6 yesterday and Guapo, the jacketed croc with a penchant for ripping off legs, is by far my favorite character, having already neared the levels of bemused adoration heretofore reserved for Cheeseburger ("on account of the diabetes") the bear and Hurk: many a minute I've whiled away petting and feeding (and reviving) Guapo between bouts of freedom fighting or whatever it is that I'm supposed to be doing on my still-unclear path towards what I'm guessing will be the same ending as every FAR CRY, my choice of shit choices culminating in a shit solution for the people of (insert fictional mapworld overrun by the dictatorial atrocities of occasionally excellent – Pagan Min – and/or occasionally disappointing – Giancarlo Esposito, so far - forces of villainy) but hey, we'll always have Guapo while, meanwhile (ha), in other startling news: fell asleep during last night's BOBA (he really is a staggeringly uninteresting crime lord) but managed to wake up long enough to start TED LASSO: ok, everyone, you were right; the day awaits.