
Unable to find anything resembling a narrative flow in The Work this morning (perhaps it has something to do with my mysteriously-vanished cutting board) but I can, if nothing else, provide you with some sonic brilliance:

ARCHITECTURAL REVERB, by Alejandro Morse – transportive evocations of time and place:

SEEING WHAT REMAINS, by Temple Ov Saturn – Joan Pope's latest Temple Ov Saturn record continues her music's trend of becoming a rotation staple; her weekly newsletter is, likewise, an essential visual feast of her art from the week previous:

BREATH BY BREATH, by Fred Hersch & Crosby Street String Quartet – meditative piano-meets-strings beauty from a master:

LIGHT CAUGHT THE EDGES, by From the Mouth of the Sun – I've become hooked on this duo's work over the last week. While this is the one that grabbed me, all of their work is more than worth checking out:

LIVE AT MONTREAUX JAZZ FESTIVAL, by Anna von Hausswolff – been looking forward to this live set from one of the most intriguing artists out there for awhile and it doesn't disappoint. Spectacular:

I'll update WRT the vanished cutting board should it reappear as mysteriously as it vanished; the day awaits.